Scolopendra gigantea, antennae, forcipular coxosternite, prefemoral spines, second maxilla, second maxillae, distomesal prefemoral process, prefemoral spine

General description: 

Species concept: Morphological Species Concept


Panama (Quintero Arias & Cupul-Magaña, 2013: 13)[1], the Caribbean coastline of northern South America including Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname (Shelley, 2006: 5)[2], and the islands of Aruba, Curaçao, Margarita Island, and Trinidad (Shelley & Kiser, 2000: 163[3]; Shelley, 2006: 5[2]).

Doubtful records and deletions: Specimens from the US Virgin Islands, Haiti, Mexico, and Honduras are assumed to represent accidental human importations or perhaps labeling errors; with only one individual from each of these areas, the species does not appear to be established in any of them (Shelley & Kiser, 2000: 163[3]; Shelley, 2006: 5[2]). Kraepelin (1903: 233)[4] and Attems (1930: 40)[5] cited Brazil and Chile for S. gigantea, which were deleted by Shelley & Kiser (2000: 163, 165)[3].

Records needing confirmation: Brazil: Goiás & Alagoas states (Bücherl, 1942[6]; Shelley, 2006: 5[2]).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith