
TypTitelAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
Taxon DescriptionPauropodinae Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
Taxon DescriptionPauropodidae Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
Taxon DescriptionTetramerocerata Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioProposal of Myriatrix, a virtual research environment for the International Society for Myriapodology Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioHistoria General y Natural delas Indias, Yslas y Tierra Firme del Mar Océano Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioLa macrofauna del suelo en dos sitios de bosque siempreverde en El Salón, Sierra del Rosario Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioCordillera de Guaniguanico: Componentes de la Diversidad Biológica Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioCharacterization of the edaphic macrofauna in five grassland agroecosystems from Granma province. Taxonomical identification Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioCharacterization of the edaphic macrofauna in five grassland agroecosystems from Granma province. Richness and abundance Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioSoil Arthropod Responses in Agroecosystem: Implications of Different Management and Cropping Systems Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioResponse of the Arthropod Community to Soil Characteristics and Management in the Franciacorta Viticultural Area (Lombardy, Italy) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioManagement Intensification of Hay Meadows and Fruit Orchards Alters Soil Macro- Invertebrate Communities Differently Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioA Review of Terrestrial and Canopy Malaise Traps Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioAbundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) plantations under organic and chemical fertilization in Belize Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioIsolation and characterization of the major centipede allergen Sco m 5 from Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioLife as Entomologist - Studying Insects, Arachnids and Millipedes, and Other Stuff Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioTaxonomic synthesis of the eastern North American millipede genus Pseudopolydesmus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Polydesmidae), utilizing high-detail ultraviolet fluorescence imaging Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioListado de especies de ciempiés (Myriapoda, Chilopoda) conocidas en Venezuela Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioEinige Bemerkungen über außereuropäische Scolopendriden Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioMiriápodos de Venezuela. Cinco nuevas especies del género Cormocephalus (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioA Venezuelan outbreak of venomous accidents produced by centipedes (Scolopendra gigantea Linnaeus 1758) (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendrinae) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioMiriápodos de Venezuela. Descripción de siete nuevas especies del género Rhysida y redescripción de Rhysida longipes Newport, 1845 (Chilopoda: Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioMiriápodos de Venezuela. Siete nuevas especies del género Otostigmus (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
Taxon DescriptionOtostigmus Parotostigmus Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 9 Monate
BiblioEctonocryptoides sandrops – a new scolopendromorph centipede from Belize Archilegt0vor 3 Jahre 10 Monate


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith