
General description: 

Diagnosis follows Scheller (2008: 5[1]; 2011: 498[2]):

Pauropodoidea with a fusiform-cylindrical and generally whitish body. Ventral antennal branch s with one globulus and one seta q; setae on head and tergites most often cylindrical or tapering. Dorsal side of head with one anterior unpaired seta and 4 transversal rows of setae. Tergites entire, insignificantly or weakly sclerotized, setae on tergites generally arranged in regular transversal rows, rarely modified. Adults with 8–10 pairs of legs; either first and last pair of legs 5-segmented, while remaining pairs 6-segmented, or all pairs 5-segmented; empodia each with a well-developed median claw and anterior and posterior appendages. One anal plate.


  1. U. Scheller, A reclassification of the Pauropoda (Myriapoda), International Journal of Myriapodology, Bd. 1, Nr. 1, S. 1-38, 2008.
  2. U. Scheller, Pauropoda, in Treatise on Zoology-Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Myriapoda, Bd. 1, A. Minelli, Hrsg. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2011, S. 467-508.
Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith