Velkolom Čertovy schody – západ: Fauna sanovaných a rekultivovaných ploch lomu, monitorovací studie, XVII. etapa (2014) [The Čertovy schody Limestone Quarry – West: Fauna of reclamated areas of the quarry, monitoring study of the 17th year (2014)]

Publication Type:Report
Year of Publication:2014
Authors:P. Dolejš, Hlaváč, J., Horáčková, J., Moravec, J.
Date Published:12/2014
Institution:Národní muzeum
Keywords:amphibians, Bohemian Karst PLA, diplopods, gastropods, isopods, Limestone quarry, plants, reclamation, reptiles, spiders, succession

In the year 2014, succession of plants, spiders and other invertebrates was studied in the middle and on the border of the quarry as well as on the rocks. Sites with dense and sparse vegetation cover were examined in the first two biotopes. In total, 77 plant, 102 spider, seven diplopod, three isopod, two harvestman and two pseudoscorpion species were found. Among the spider species, 20 of them were newly discovered in the quarry and 21 of them were of significant ecological importance. This number confirms that limestone quarries are important as a refuge for rare species whose habitats are disappearing from our country. The most important finding, beside that of Pardosa wagleri, is Pseudomaro aenigmaticus. In the case of the latter species, it is the third record in the Czech Republic.

Citation Key:1060
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith