An annotated list of the millipede (Diplopoda) species described by Johann Carl

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:J. Hollier, Stöckli, E., Wesener, T., Mesibov, R., Decker, P., Sierwald, P.
Journal:Revue suisse de Zoologie
Date Published:04/06/2020
Keywords:Basel, Colombia, East Africa, Geneva, India, Indonesia, Jean Carl, type catalogue

Johann Carl described 390 species or subspecies of millipedes during his long career at the Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Genève, studying specimens collected on his own expeditions and on those of other, mainly Swiss, naturalists. The type specimens deposited in Geneva are enumerated, and the type specimens that could be located in other collections in other museums are reported. Lectotypes are designated for 17 species: Brachyspirobolus aequatorialis (Carl, 1909), Carlopeltis alatus (Carl, 1914), Mastigorhacus alatus (Carl, 1912), Salpidobolus annulipes (Carl, 1912), Erythrhacus arietis (Carl, 1912), Argentocricus bernardinensis (Carl, 1918), Trigoniulus bitaeniatus Carl, 1912, Desmocricus conjunctus Carl, 1918, Polylepis elberti Carl, 1912, Trigoniulus incommodus Carl, 1912, Stenobolus insularis Carl, 1918, Salpidobolus lateralis (Carl, 1912), Dinematocricus lombokensis (Carl, 1912), Prepodesmus longipes (Carl, 1913), Arostrophus mertoni (Carl, 1912), Salpidobolus moenensis (Carl, 1912) and Eucarlia velox (Carl, 1912). Polydesmus carli nom. nov. is introduced as a replacement name for Polydesmus japonicus Carl, 1902, a junior homonym of Polydesmus japonicus Peters, 1864. Odontopyge johanncarli nom. nov. is introduced as a replacement name for Odontopyge fasciata Carl, 1905, a junior homonym of Odontopyge fasciata Attems, 1896.

Short Title:Revue suisse de Zoologie
Citation Key:900
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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