Macroxenus peruensis
Macroxenus peruensis Short, 2020 is the first species of polyxenid to be described from Peru, and only the second species in the genus to be reported from South America. See Short (2020: 408)[1].
- , “A new species of Macroxenus Brölemann, 1917 from Peru (Diplopoda: Polyxenida: Polyxenidae)”, Arthropoda Selecta, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 408-412, 2020.
Not evaluated (NE).
Diagnosis based in Short (2020: 410)[1]:
Very similar in morphology to Macroxenus caingangensis but differing in a number of characters: presence of just 2–4 trichomes in a medial row anterior to the continuous posterior row of trichomes; sensilla on antennal article VII with the posterior sensillum 1/3 smaller and thinner than the anterior sensillum. The dorsal face of telson is typical of the subfamily, but with only 1–2 trichomes a each side, one trichome b and tight clusters of approximately 10 trichomes c each side extending into the caudal bundles.
- , “A new species of Macroxenus Brölemann, 1917 from Peru (Diplopoda: Polyxenida: Polyxenidae)”, Arthropoda Selecta, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 408-412, 2020.
Macroxenus rubromaginatus (Lucas, 1846), Macroxenus caingangensis (Schubart, 1944), Macroxenus enghoffi Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin, 1996.
Body length after mounting on slide 3.45 mm, caudal bundle 1.0 mm, tarsus length 13th leg, 197 μm. See Short (2020: 410)[1].
- , “A new species of Macroxenus Brölemann, 1917 from Peru (Diplopoda: Polyxenida: Polyxenidae)”, Arthropoda Selecta, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 408-412, 2020.
Endemic to Peru. Distribution restricted to the type locality, Peru, Sandoval Lake Reserve, S12°36'48", W69°01'57", east of the Andes Mountains in the upper reaches of the Amazon basin. See Short (2020: 408, 409, 411)[1].
- , “A new species of Macroxenus Brölemann, 1917 from Peru (Diplopoda: Polyxenida: Polyxenidae)”, Arthropoda Selecta, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 408-412, 2020.