prefemoral spinous process

prefemoral spinous process

[Sco] an immovable, multicellular, inarticulate process, bearing one spine, on the prefemur of the ultimate legs in Scolopocryptopidae Pocock, 1896. Lewis et al. (2005: 5, 7, fig. 14). Bonato et al. (2010: 43), partim.
Remarks: Lewis et al. (2005: 3) did not refer to this term. The “(spinous)” syntax in Bonato et al. (2010: 43) is here changed to “spinous” to facilitate disambiguation. Lewis et al. (2005: 5, 7, fig. 14) used this term for structures on the prefemur of the ultimate legs in Scolopocryptops Newport, 1844. However, similar structures ending in one spine can be found in Newportia Gervais, 1847 and also in members of the Scolopendridae, such as Ethmostigmus Pocock, 1898 and Scolopendra Linnaeus, 1758. See remarks for “distomesal prefemoral process/processes”. See also “femoral spinous process/processes” and “tibial spinous process/processes”.

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