distomesal prefemoral process

distomesal prefemoral process

[Sco] an immovable, multicellular, inarticulate process, usually bearing two or more spines, on the distal end, on the mesal side, of the prefemur of the ultimate legs in Scolopendridae Leach, 1814. Lewis et al. (2005: 3, 5, fig. 8). Bonato et al. (2010: 43), partim. Syn.: (distomedial) prefemoral process (Lewis et al., 2005: 3), distomedial prefemoral tubercle/tubercles (Shelley, 2002).
Remarks: This term was given by Lewis et al. (2005: 3) as “(distomedial) prefemoral process”. Its meaning was subsumed into “prefemoral (spinous) process/processes” by Bonato et al. (2010: 43) but this resulted in an ambiguous term representing two different structures separately mentioned and illustrated by Lewis et al. (2005). Contrary to the citation by Bonato et al. (2010: 43), Lewis et al. (2005: 7) did not refer to this term.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith