Two interesting records of millipedes (Diplopoda) from near Borjomi, Georgia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:M. S. Kokhia, Evsyukov, A. P., Golovatch, S. Ilyich
Journal:Russian Entomological Journal
Date Published:30/03/2020
Keywords:Julida, Julus lindholmi, new records, Polydesmida, Polydesmus abchasius, новые находки

Polydesmus abchasius Attems, 1898 and Julus lindholmi Lohmander, 1936, both found recently near Borjomi, central Georgia, currently represent the southeasternmost records of the genera Polydesmus Latreille, 1803, subgenus Polydesmus s.str., and Julus Linnaeus, 1758, and of both these widespread, endemic, Caucasian millipede species.

РЕЗЮМЕ. Polydesmus abchasius Attems, 1898 и Julus lindholmi Lohmander, 1936, недавно найденные близ Боржоми (Центральная Грузия), пока представляют собой самые юго-восточные находки как родов Polydesmus Latreille, 1803, подрод Polydesmus s.str., и Julus Linnaeus, 1758, так и этих широкораспространенных эндемичных кавказских видов диплопод.

Short Title:Russian Entomol. J.
Citation Key:343
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