Monographis queenslandicus

General description: 

This new species differs from Monographis kraepelini in having 16–19 sensilla, with 3 anterior thick sensilla, 5 internal sensilla, forming a triangular shape on the 6th antennal article. The surface of the labrum is smooth and asetose. The telotarsus bears an anterior process, with enlarged base, 0.5 times the length of the claw, a small posterior process and a small lateral process, the anterior setiform process 1.2 times longer than the claw.

Diagnostic description: 

Specimens are yellowish brown, darker on each latero-posterior rosette trichomes, forming 2 dark lateral bands contrasting with a light yellow medial band across the body. Bright red in eye areas, combined with 2 black bands connecting the two regions, which makes the head distinct from the rest of the animal. The last tergite is darkest, dark shading extending into the telson region, where the caudal bundle trichomes form light silvery bands near the base. The colour of these bands gradually fades to white and reflects light to produce blacksilver colouration toward the end of the telson. The ventral side of body is white.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith