Challenges of Remote Medical Care in South Sudan: Centipede Bites

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:S. J. C. Pallett, Dickson, N., Moles, I.
Journal:Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
Date Published:19/04/2019
Type of Article:Case Report
Keywords:arthropod, Chilopoda, insect, prehospital, Venom
Centipede bites are a constant risk throughout tropical regions and have the rare potential for systemic side effects. We report a case of multiple centipede bites in South Sudan that was complicated by severe pain refractory to opioid analgesia and an unusual association with acute involuntary muscle contractions. Treatment with local anesthetic, antihistamines, and corticosteroids was effective. This report aims to add to the local literature; because of decades of internal conflict and poor infrastructure, reporting of health data from South Sudan is severely lacking. Further investigation into the pharmacological variation and activity of toxic peptides in centipede venom is recommended. As it stands, this case provides additional information on potential effects of centipede envenomation that should be useful to any healthcare providers preparing for the delivery of remote medical care throughout the Great Upper Nile region.

Citation Key:1983
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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