
Diagnostic description: 

Diagnosis follow Moritz & Wesener (2021)[1]:

The new family Electrocambalidae fam. nov. differs from the suborder Spirostreptidea by the structure of the gnathochilarium, with a separate eumentum and promentum, as well as by the presence of two pairs of gonopods. Electrocambalidae fam. nov. differs from the cambalidean families Choctellidae and Pseudonannolenidae by the presence of well-developed posterior gonopods. The new family differs from the Choctellidae and Iulomorphidae by having distinctly arched metazonites from body ring 6 onwards, and long body rings with a length / diameter ratio > 0.7. Electrocambalidae fam. nov. differs from the Iulomorphidae by the presence of a relatively large first leg pair in the males. The new family differs from the families Cambalidae, Cambalopsidae and Pseudonannolenidae (in which ozopores start from body ring 5) by the ozopores starting from body ring 6 . Electrocambalidae fam. nov. differs from the Cambalidae and Cambalopsidae by the absence of tubercles on the metazonites. Electrocambalidae fam. nov. differs from other species of the order Spirostreptidain the combination of the following characters: (1) leg pair 3 moved anteriad, resulting in a seemingly legless body ring 3 in addition to the legless body ring 4, (2) presence of setation on the posterior margin of the metazonites, and (3) pilosity on the head is not restricted to the labrum, but extends furtherup frontally on the head.


Mon, 2022-01-10 12:27 -- LeifM
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith