Dasongius spatulatus

Diagnostic description: 

Antennal article IV with a long seta p on dorsal side. Ventral branch of antennae with a long seta q. Collum with cylindrical, non-furcate setae. Tergite II with 6+6 setae. Coxa of legs 9 with furcate setae, trochanter with non-furcate setae, tarsus without subdistal accessory claws. Tergum of pygidium with long and granulated setae a1 and a2, and spatulate setae st. Anal plate glabrous, posteriorly separated into two processes and with 2 short, granulated, lanceolate appendages. Dasongius spatulatus differs from D. rugosus and D. bicruris by the shape of the anal plate. It is similar to D. liupanensis in the shape of the setae on the head, collum, other tergites, and legs. They can be distinguished by the shape of the tergum of the pygidium, the shape of the anal plate, as well as the shape of setae a1, a2, st and b1 on the pygidium (Bu, 2021: 244, 245[1]).



China: Jiangsu, Shanghai (Bu, 2021: 249[1]).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith