A reclassification of the Pauropoda (Myriapoda)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:U. Scheller
Journal:International Journal of Myriapodology
Date Published:01/01/2008
Keywords:biogeography, Myriapoda, Pauropoda, systematics, Taxonomy

In the reclassification proposed below the Pauropoda is divided in two orders: Hexameroceata with one family and Tetramerocerata with eight families. Bagnall´s division in the suborders Ectomorpha and Endomorpha is removed. The Tetramerocerata is divided in three superfamilies: Pauropodoidea with four families (Pauropodidae, Polypauropodidae, Amphipauropodidae and Diplopauropodidae), Brachypauropodoidea with two families (Brachypauropodidae and Hansenauropodidae) and Eurypauropodoidea with two families (Eurypauropodidae and Sphaeropauropodidae). One new family is erected, Amphipauropodidae, and three new genera are erected, Ferepaurpus and Eburnipauropus in Pauropodidae and Borneopauropus in Brachypauropodidae. The following taxa have got new stat.: Decapauropus Remy, Desmopauropus Scheller, Perissopauropus Scheller, Propepauropus Scheller, Donzelotauropus Remy, Nesopauropus Scheller, Diplopauropodidae Scheller, Hansenauropodidae Remy, Antillauropus Remy, Virginopauropus Scheller, Sphaeropauropodidae Verhoeff. A list of incertae sedis, nomina dubia and nomina nuda has been prepared. For each genus the distribution and the number of known species is given. The Pauropoda has now two orders, 9 families, 40 genera and about 780 species.

Short Title:Int. J. Myriapodology
Citation Key:1042
Refereed Designation:Refereed
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith