Gueriau et al. 2020. A new Devonian euthycarcinoid - Figure 2.jpg
Gueriau et al. (2020). Figure 2. Ericixerxes potii gen. et sp. nov. (a) optical photograph. (b–g) SRS-XRF elemental distributions of As (b–e), Mn (f) and S (only cephalic region and pre-abdomen; (g)) from integrated intensities in their Kα emission energy domains. (c,d) Close-up and interpretative line drawing from the top dotted box area in (b). (e) Close-up from the bottom dotted box area in (b). (h) XANES spectroscopy at the S K-edge from the areas identified with coloured circles in (g), corresponding to the fossil cuticle (orange and blue), and one of the evaporation bubbles (green). Abbreviations: ACT, anterior cephalic tergite; ant., antenna; ?clyp./lab., possible clypeus and/or labrum; ?mand., possible mandibles; PA1–5, post-abdominal somites 1–5; PCT, posterior cephalic tergite; T1–5, pre-abdominal tergites 1–5; sph. ch., spherical chambers. Mapping parameters of the entire maps: scanning step: 50 µm; 901 × 2001 pixels for As and Mn, 801 × 2001 pixels for S; colour scale goes from white (low abundance) to black (high abundance).