
General description: 

The known diversity of the family Vandeleumatidae Mauriès, 1970 amounts to 8 genera (Antić & Mauriès, 2022: 143)[1] and 13 species [26.01.2022]. Kime & Enghoff (2021)[2] listed 10 genera in the family Vandeleumatidae, of which Antić & Mauriès (2022: 143)[1] transferred Guipuzcosoma Vicente & Mauriès, 1980 to its own family Guipuzcosomatidae Antić & Mauriès, 2022, and Miniusoma Mauriès, 2015 to Anthogonidae Ribaut, 1913. Of the 15 species listed in Vandeleumatidae by Kime & Enghoff (2021: 22)[2] only 13 remain after considering the changes by Antić & Mauriès (2022)[1].


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith