
TypTitelAutorAntwortenZuletzt aktualisiert
BiblioNotes on a small collection of myriapods from the Bermuda Islands Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDescriptions of fourteen new species of North American myriapods Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioNotes on North American Julidæ Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDescriptions of New Species of North American Polydesmidæ Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 6 Monate
BiblioDescriptions of new species of North American Iulidae Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 6 Monate
BiblioDescription of new genera and species of North American Myriapoda Biosam0vor 4 Jahre 6 Monate
ForenthemaGuidelines for taxa linked in literature? Biosam1vor 4 Jahre 12 Monate
BiblioNew genera and species of North American Paraiulidae Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioOn some diplopods of the family Fontariidae Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioNew southern millipeds Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioOn some genera and species of American millipeds Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioThe myriapod types of Oscar Harger (Arthropoda: Diplopoda, Chilopoda) Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioDescriptions of new North American Myriopods Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Tag
BiblioPill millipeds (Desmonidae, Polydesmida) in the United States Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioNew records and descriptions of Californian Diplopoda Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioNew records and species of millipeds from the western United States and Canada Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioOn two new colobognath millipeds and records of some established species from east of the Rocky Mountains Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioFour new chordeumoid millipeds from the United States Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioFloridobolus, a new milliped genus (Spirobolidae) Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioSome notes on the milliped family Paeromopidae, with a description of a new species Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioMillipeds of the order Polydesmida the from the Western states and Baja California Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioRediscovery of the type of the milliped, Harpaphe telodonta (Chamberlin) (Diplopoda: Eurydesmidae) Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioCrested millipeds of the family Lysiopetalidae in North America, with descriptions of new genera and species Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioRevision of the milliped genus Harpaphe Cook from western North America (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae) Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioEtude sur les spirobolides [myriapodes] Biosam0vor 5 Jahre 1 Woche


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith