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BiblioUpland centipedes in North Wales with a review of the Welsh Chilopoda Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDescription of the female morphology of the relict troglobiont millipede Cantabrodesmus lorioli Mauriès 1971 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Chelodesmidae), and new records in the deepest pit of Spain Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioA new Lophoturus species (Diplopoda, Polyxenida, Lophoproctidae) from Rodrigues Island, the Republic of Mauritius: morphological and molecular evidence Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioSoil invertebrates occurrences in European North-East of Russia Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioState of knowledge of soil biodiversity – Status, challenges and potentialities. Summary for policy makers Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioState of knowledge of soil biodiversity - Status, challenges and potentialities Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioTarget switch of centipede toxins for antagonistic switch Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
Taxon DescriptionHaplobainosomatidae Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioEffect of leech-centipede medicine on improving erectile function in DIED rats via PKC signalling pathway-related molecules Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioMillipede genomes reveal unique adaptations during myriapod evolution Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioGosodesmine, a 7-Substituted Hexahydroindolizine from the Millipede Gosodesmus claremontus Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe millipede genus Leucogeorgia Verhoeff, 1930 in the Caucasus, with descriptions of eleven new species, erection of a new monotypic genus and notes on the tribe Leucogeorgiini (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioA new species of the genus Archiboreoiulus Brolemann, 1921 (Diplopoda, Julida) from Movile Cave (Southern Dobrogea, Romania) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioLessons from the WBF2020: extrinsic and intrinsic value of soil organisms Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe tracheal system of scutigeromorph centipedes and the evolution of respiratory systems of myriapods Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe millipedes collected by the Museum "La Specola" on Madagascar 1989/1991, with the description of three new species of giant pill-millipedes (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Arthrosphaeridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioPhylogeny, host association and biogeographical patterns in the diverse millipede-parasitoid genus Myriophora Brown (Diptera: Phoridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioMillipede Defensive Compounds Are a Double-Edged Sword: Natural History of the Millipede-Parasitic Genus Myriophora Brown (Diptera: Phoridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioStylogaster eggs on blow flies attracted to millipede defence secretions in Tanzania, with a stab at summarising their biology (Diptera: Conopidae & Calliphoridae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioPseudonannolene canastra sp. nov. (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida) – a new troglobitic millipede from the southwestern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioHaasea Verhoeff, 1895—a genus of tumultuous history and chaotic records—redefinition, revision of taxonomy and geographic distributions, with descriptions of two new species from Austria and Serbia (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Haaseidae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe first blind spirostreptid millipede, found in a cave in Morocco; with notes on the genus Odontostreptus Attems, 1914 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae) Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioThe millipede family Polyxenidae (Diplopoda, Polyxenida) in the faunas of the Crimean Peninsula and Caucasus, with notes on other European Polyxenidae Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioGeophilomorpha from Alborz Mountains and a checklist of Chilopoda from Iran  Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate
BiblioDecapitación de milpiés Xystodesmidae (Polydesmida) por escarabajos Phengodidae Archilegt0vor 4 Jahre 2 Monate


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith