
Diagnostic description: 

Diagnosis updated by Gilgado et al. (2017: 497):

P. 8. (anterior gonopods): Basis of each telopodite forming an apodeme pseudoarticulated with tracheal pouch (forming a kind of cup or corolla around the basis of the telopodite together with a rest of the sternite); angiocoxite (synangiocoxite, or angiocoxosternite) between the two telopodites, of variable form, the most anterior part usually (but not in all cases) forming a cupule- or bowl-like structures; colpocoxites of variable form (rarely sclerotized, most frequently soft, more or less fused in midline) connected on the posterior margin of the angiocoxite, placed in a posterior position relative to that of telopodites.
P. 9. (posterior gonopods, or paragonopods): Variable, sometimes simple stumps, sometimes clearly articulated with terminal article directed laterad-shaped; sternite not modified.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith