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Taxon DescriptionScolopocryptopidae Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionCryptopidae Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionPlutoniumidae Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionScolopendridae Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionLithobiomorpha Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionDevonobiomorpha Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionCraterostigmomorpha Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionScolopendromorpha Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionPleurostigmophora Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
Taxon DescriptionNotostigmophora Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
BiblioThe identity of Scolopendra marginata Say (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae) Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
BiblioDescriptions of the Myriapodæ of the United States Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 5 Tage
BiblioMyriapodes fossiles Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioClasse II. Chilopodes Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioClasse I. Diplopodes Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioMyriapodes antopg0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioCrustaceology Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioA tabular View of the external Characters of Four Classes of Animals, which Linné arranged under Insecta; with the Distribution of the Genera composing Three of these Classes into Orders, &c. and Descriptions of several New Genera and Species Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioOn the consistency of some taxonomic characters in the Scolopendromorpha and comments on the scolopocryptopid subfamily Kethopinae (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioChilopoda. Part CXXVII. Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioDescriptions of new Species of Scolopendra, in the collection of the Academy Nicolas450vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioOn the Chilopoda of North America, with a catalogue of all the specimens in the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution Nicolas450vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioA synopsis of the North American centipedes of the order Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda) Nicolas450vor 2 Jahre 6 Tage
BiblioNomenclator Generum et Familiarum Diplopodorum III. A list of the Genus-, Family-, and Ordinal-Group names proposed in the Class Diplopoda from 1 January 2000 – 31 December 2014 Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 1 Woche
BiblioNomenclator generum et familiarum Diplopodorum II. A list of the genus and family-group names in the class Diplopoda from 1958 through 1999 Archilegt0vor 2 Jahre 1 Woche


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith