The identity of Scolopendra marginata Say (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1996
Autoren:R. L. Hoffman, Shelley R. M.
Date Published:15/06/1996

Recent sampling at Picolata, St. Johns County, Florida, the probable type locality of Scolopendra marginata Say, produced specimens of the large scolopendromorph, Hemiscolopendra punctiventris (Newport) (Scolopendridae), with a "margined" color pattern similar to that reported in the original description of S. marginata. Accordingly, we resurrect this name from the synonymy of S. morsitans L. and propose Hemiscolopendra marginata (Say), n. comb., as a senior subjective synonym for S. punctiventris Newport, syn. nov.! A neotype is designated for S. marginata and deposited in the invertebrate collection at the Virginia Museum of Narural History. A full synonymy is provided for H. marginata, along with a review of its nomenclatorial history and distribution.

Recommended citation: Hoffman, R. L. & R. M. Shelley (1996): The identity of Scolopendra marginata Say (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae). Myriapodologica, 4 (5): 35-42.

Citation Key:1874
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