Pavouci (Araneae) a mnohonožky (Diplopoda) obce Žleby v okrese Kutná Hora

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Autoren:P. Dolejš
Journal:Bohemia centralis
Start Page:17
Pagination:17–43 + 338–346
Date Published:21/12/2020
ISBN Number:978-80-7620-066-1
Schlüsselwörter:Czech Republic, Doubrava River valley, expansive species, faunistics, first records, lime alley, long-term collecting

Spiders (Araneae) and millipedes (Diplopoda) of the municipality of Žleby in the Kutná Hora District (Central Bohemia)

Abstract: In 1999–2019, spiders and millipedes in Žleby, a municipality in the District of Kutná Hora were recorded. At 22 sites, the author collected or photographed 854 spider and 642 millipede specimens belonging to 121 spider and 29 millipede species. Most of them are common, however, spiders Ero aphana, Nematogmus sanguinolentus, Silometopus elegans and Amaurobius jugorum, and millipedes Cylindroiulus arborum and Haploporatia eremita, are ecologically significant. The most (millipede) species rich site at Žleby were the left bank of the Doubrava River and the lime alley. During the long-termed survey on spiders, the first occurrence of five recently spreading species (Pholcus phalangioides, Ebrechtella tricuspidata, Argiope bruennichi, Steatoda triangulosa and Ero aphana) was documented at Žleby.

Citation Key:977
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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