Devonobiomorpha, a new order of centipeds (Chilopoda) from the Middle Devonian of Gilboa, New York State, USA, and the phylogeny of centiped orders.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1988
Autoren:W. A. Shear, Bonamo P. M.
Journal:American Museum Novitates

The oldest known centiped fossils are described from Middle Devonian (Catskill Delta) sediments near Gilboa, New York, USA. The new genus and species Devonobius delta is represented by numerous specimens, including complete and partial heads and a partial trunk. This species is placed in a new family, Devonobiidae, and a new order, Devonobiomorpha, because of its strikingly different maxilliped coxosternae. The phylogeny of centiped orders is reviewed; the new order is the sister-group of the orders Scolopendromorpha + Geophilomorpha (=Epimorpha). The order Scutigeromorpha, already known from Upper Pennsylvanian sediments, may also occur in the Devonian of Gilboa.

Citation Key:44
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