Two new Lophoturus species (Diplopoda, Polyxenida, Lophoproctidae) from Queensland, Australia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Autoren:C. Huynh
Secondary Authors:A. A. Veenstra
Start Page:133 - 154
Date Published:7 March 2018
Type of Article:Description

Lophoturus queenslandicus Verhoeff, 1924 was the first penicillate millipede in the family Lophoproctidae
collected from Cairns, a tropical region in Queensland, Australia, to be formally described. Specimens
collected from this region in a recent study had the morphological characters known to define this genus.
However, their body form and length, as well as dorsal colouration proved to be different, suggesting
the possibility of more than one Lophoturus species. This assertion was supported by the results of a
phylogenetic analysis of DNA extracted and sequenced using 18S and COI regions from L. queenslandicus
and two undescribed species from this genus. Specimens preserved in ethanol can prove difficult to
confidently identify to species level because their colour gradually fades. Examination of live specimens
with their body colour visible, together with morphological characters and DNA analysis is the most
reliable way of correctly distinguishing between these three species. Two new species, L. boondallus sp. n.
and L. molloyensis sp. n. collected in Queensland, Australia are described.

Citation Key:332
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith