Rapport sur un Mémoire relative aux insects myriapodes

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1839
Autoren:H. Marie Ducr de Blainville, Edwards, H. Milne, Duméril, A. Marie Cons
Journal:Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Academie royale des Sciences
Date Published:04/11/1839

Recommended citation: Blainville H. M. D. de, Milne Edwards H., Duméril A. M. C. (1839): Rapport sur un Mémoire relative aux insects myriapodes. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Academie royale des Sciences, 9 (18): 530-532. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2670158

Bibliographic remarks: The manuscript presented by Paul Gervais was titled “Sur un nouveau genre d’insectes myriapodes qui vit aux environs de Paris, et additions à un precedent Mémoire sur les animaux de cette classe”. The manuscript’s title is redacted from two partial but consistent index entries in volume 9, pages 864 and 868, and from the also consistent but full title given on page 421. The work was reported as received at the meeting on Monday, 30 September 1939. The text was not published but summarized in the report from the commission formed by Blainville, Milne Edwards & Duméril. The report was published on volume 9, number 18, corresponding to the meeting of Monday, 28 October 1939.
Printed in quarto, each 8-page fascicle bears a signature and consecutive number on the first page. The report appeared on the last three pages of fascicle 74. The issue number “18” is taken from volume 9, page 525, the first of fascicle 74 and thus containing its signature. The journal name was redacted exactly as recorded in the weekly meeting reports. See volume 9, number 19, page 576, Bulletin Bibliographique for full journal title as recorded for volume 9, number 18.

Publication date remarks: The reports of the weekly meetings were swiftly published. The report corresponding to volume 9, number 18, from Monday, 28 October 1939, was already printed by the next meeting, on Monday, 4 November 1839. See volume 9, number 19, page 576, Bulletin Bibliographique for the recorded receipt of volume 9, number 18.

Citation Key:1859
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith