Monograph on the Class Myriapoda, Order Chilopoda; with observations on the general arrangement of the Articulata [summary]

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1844
Autoren:G. Newport
Journal:Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London
Date Published:05/1844

Recommended citation: Newport, G. (1844): Monograph on the Class Myriapoda, Order Chilopoda; with observations on the general arrangement of the Articulata [summary]. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, 1 (20): 191-196.

Bibliographic remark: This summary was published in 05/1844. It therefore preceeds and has priority over the full work, which was issued in two parts on 06/11/1844 and 05/11/1845.

Citation Key:1812
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