On the Structure, Relations, and Development of the Nervous and Circulatory Systems, and on the Existence of a Complete Circulation of the Blood in Vessels, in Myriapoda and Macrourous Arachnida.—First Series

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1843
Autoren:G. Newport
Journal:Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London

Recommended citation: Newport, G. (1843): On the Structure, Relations, and Development of the Nervous and Circulatory Systems, and on the Existence of a Complete Circulation of the Blood in Vessels, in Myriapoda and Macrourous Arachnida.—First Series. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 133 (2): 243-302 + pls. xi-xv. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52120653 [Also at https://www.jstor.org/stable/108381]

Publication date remarks: The article was read on April 6, 1843. A footnote on page 245 is dated July 14, 1843. A footnote on page 272 is dated August 29th, 1843.

Citation Key:1806
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