A revision of the Thyropygus allevatus group. Part 3: the T. induratus subgroup (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Harpagophoridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2011
Autoren:P. Pimvichai, Enghoff, H., Panha, S.
Date Published:06/07/2011
Type of Article:Article
ISSN:1175-5334, 1175-5326
Schlüsselwörter:millipede, new species, size difference, Taxonomy, Thailand

The Thyropygus induratus subgroup of the T. allevatus group is revised. Three new species are described from Thailand: T. dormiens n. sp., T. laterolobatus n. sp. and T. macrosiamensis n. sp. The following species are redescribed and re-elevated from subspecies status under T. allevatus (Karsch, 1881): Thyropygus induratus Attems, 1936 (= T. punctatus Attems, 1938, new synonym), Thyropygus quietus Attems, 1938, Thyropygus resimus Attems, 1938, and Thyropygus uncinatus (Demange, 1961). Thyropygus siamensis Verhoeff, 1938 (= Thyropisthus ligulus Demange, 1961, new synonym), is re-described. A case of species with identical gonopods but very different body size (T. induratus and T. quietus) is discussed.

Citation Key:1777
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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