Parthenogenetic populations of the millipede Cylindrodesmus laniger Schubart, 1945 to be recorded in Europe for the first time (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Autoren:S. I. Golovatch, Gruber, J., Adis, J., Knapinski, S., Zerm, M., Hansen, B.
Journal:Arthropoda Selecta
Date Published:16/04/2001
Schlüsselwörter:Diplopoda, Europe, hothouse, introduction, parthenogenesis

Abstract: The pantropical millipede species Cylindrodesmus laniger Schubart, 1945 has been found introduced to hothouses in three European capitals, i.e. Paris, Vienna, and Berlin. In addition, there is strong evidence of its presence in the British Isles. These records appear to represent a species new to the European fauna. Furthermore, based on a strongly reduced receptaculum seminis in the vulva of C. laniger in European populations, the species can be reconfirmed as largely, if not always, parthenogenetic.

Citation Key:1746
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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