Guipuzcosoma reipi

General description: 

This species is known from the type material including 7 males, 4 females, and 2 juveniles (Antić & Mauriès, 2022: 156[1]).


Diagnostic description: 

Diagnosis from Antić & Mauriès (2022: 156)[1]: Differs from both congeners in the structure of angiocoxites 1, whose distal processes are sigmoid vs. distal processes reduced, with lateral bumps in G. comasi, or almost the same width in its entire length, with an acuminate distal part bent laterad in G. karinae. The anterior part of the medial bursal structure of the vulvae in G. reipi is quadrangular with straight lateral margins, vs. heart-shaped in G. comasi or subquadrangular with convex lateral margins in G. karinae. Additionally, G. reipi differs from G. comasi by subtriangular vs. rounded lateral parts of colpocoxites in posterior view, or by more differentiated coxal processes on leg-pairs 7 and 11 compared to G. karinae. Significant differences also exist in the shape of the posterior part of the medial bursal structure of the vulvae in all three species.



Distribution from Antić & Mauriès (2022: 162, Fig. 12, map, blue circles; 163)[1]: Known only from a few localities on the borders between Alava and Gipuzkoa, and Gipuzkoa and Navarre provinces, Spain.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith