Geopachyiulus nematodes

General description: 


Iulus strictus var. nematodes Latzel, 1884: 264.

Julus strictus var. nematodes Latzel, 1884. See Daday (1889: 49), Verhoeff (1899: 185, 186), and Lucas (1903: 1150).

Julus (Typhloiulus) strictus var. nematodes Latzel, 1884. See Verhoeff (1898: 326).

Julus Tömösvaryi Daday, 1889: 49. See Verhoeff (1898: 334; 1899: 185, 186) and Lucas (1903: 1150).

Julus (Typhloiulus) Tömösvaryi Daday, 1889. See Verhoeff (1898: 326).


Romania: Braşov, Timiş, Hunedoara and Salaj Provinces (Kime & Enghoff, 2017: 92). Southern Hungary (see Daday, 1889: 49), via the junior synonym Julus tomosvaryi Daday, 1889 (see Verhoeff, 1898: 334). Not mentioned for Hungary by Kime & Enghoff (2017) or Korsós & Lazányi (2020)[1].



Beech forest under fallen leaves (Latzel, 1884: 264). Humus-rich earth in woodland and gardens, several centimetres below the surface (Kime & Enghoff, 2017: 92).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith