Colombian millipede in Poland – Chondrodesmus cf. riparius Carl, 1914 spreads across Europe

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Autoren:J. Bienias, Jabłońska, A., Soszyńska-Maj, A.
Journal:BioInvasions Records
Date Published:08/10/2021
Schlüsselwörter:alien species, barcode, Diplopoda, distribution range, gonopods

Distribution range of a large tropical millipede Chondrodesmus cf. riparius Carl, 1914 has been continuously expanding in Europe over the last two decades. Since the first records in 2000 in North Sweden this Colombian species has become well established in flowerpot habitats of Europe. The way of its spreading is traceable in published records, and points to Sweden as the country to which this species was introduced. Records are scattered, therefore the distribution revealed here might be underestimated. It is expected that this species will expand throughout Europe in consequence of intensive international plant trade. Herein, the first records of this alien millipede in flower pots in Poland are presented and the current range in Europe is summarized. The SEM images of the gonopods, and a partial COI mtDNA sequence (DNA barcode) are included.

Citation Key:1349
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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