An unusual new centipede subgenus Lithobius (Sinuispineus), with two new species from China (Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Autoren:X. Chang, Pei, S., Zhu, C., Ma, H.
Date Published:28/10/2020
Schlüsselwörter:Chilopoda, Lithobius (Sinuispineus) minuticornis sp. nov., Lithobius (Sinuispineus) sinuispineus sp. nov., Myriapoda

The present study describes a new Lithobiomorpha subgenus, Lithobius (Sinuispineus) subgen. nov., and two new species, L. (Sinuispineus) sinuispineus sp. nov. and L. (Sinuispineus) minuticornis sp. nov. from China. The representatives of the new subgenus are characterized by a considerable sexual dimorphism of the ultimate leg pair 15, having the femur and tibia unusually enlarged in males, and the dorsal side of the femur with curved posterior spurs. These features distinguish Lithobius (Sinuispineus) subgen. nov. from all other subgenera of Lithobius. The diagnosis and the main morphological characters of the new subgenus and of the two new species are given for both male and female specimens.

Citation Key:1209
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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