The first data on centipede (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha; Lithobiomorpha) fauna of the Katunskiy Biosphere State Nature Reserve, Altai Mts

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Autoren:Y. V. Dyachkov
Journal:Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
Start Page:453
Schlüsselwörter:Chilopoda; Altai; Katunskiy State Nature Reserve; faunistics

Six species of Chilopoda are recorded for the Katunskiy State Nature Reserve for the first time: Lithobius (Monotarsobius) franciscorum Danyi & Tuf, 2012, L. (M.) insolens Dányi & Tuf, 2012, L. (Ezembius) proximus Sseliwanoff, 1880, Lithobius (E.) sibiricus Gerstfeldt, 1858, Escaryus koreanus Takakuwa, 1937, E. japonicus Attems, 1927.

Citation Key:1033
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