
TitelIllacme tobini and Illacme plenipes anterior anatomy.jpg
Original URLhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Illacme_tobini_and_Illacme_plenipes_anterior_an…
Description: English: A Dorsal view of head, antennae and rings 1–5 of I. tobini (scale bar 300 µm) B the same of I. plenipes (scale bar 300 µm) C Lateral (right) view of head and rings 1–5 of I. tobini (scale bar 300 µm) D the same of I. plenipes (scale bar 300 µm). Illacme tobini: E anterolateral (right) view of head and first leg pair (scale bar 100 µm) F lateral (left) view of head and first leg pair, antennae broken off at base (scale bar 100 µm). (Catalog #s: I. tobini sp. n. MPE00735, I. plenipes SPC000932.). Date: 20 October 2016. Source: Marek PE, Krejca JK, Shear WA (2016) A new species of Illacme Cook & Loomis, 1928 from Sequoia National Park, California, with a world catalog of the Siphonorhinidae (Diplopoda, Siphonophorida). ZooKeys 626: 1-43. doi:10.3897/zookeys.626.9681. Author: Paul E. Marek, Jean K. Krejca, William A. Shear. Other versions: This file has multiple extracted images: Illacme plenipes anterior anatomy (head, antennae; SPC000932).jpg Illacme tobini. Dorsal view of head and rings 1–5 (MPE00735).jpg.
creatorPaul E. Marek, Jean K. Krejca, William A. Shear
source<a href='http://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.626.9681'>Marek PE, Krejca JK, Shear WA (2016) A new species of Illacme Cook & Loomis, 1928 from Sequoia National Park, California, with a world catalog of the Siphonorhinidae (Diplopoda, Siphonophorida). ZooKeys 626: 1-43. doi:10.3897/zookeys.626.9681</a>
providerWikimedia Commons
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith