
TitelAndrognathid millipedes Siskiyou Co, California.jpg
Original URLhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Andrognathid_millipedes_Siskiyou_Co,_California…
Description: English: Fungi in the order Polyporales and pink millipedes (Andrognathidae, ?Gosodesmus). Collection location: Marble Mountain Ranch, Siskiyou Co., California, USA Notes: Growing on a piece of deteriorated wood laying on the ground. Underside is shown with 1 cm millipedes feeding on the spore bearing surface. Note lithocarpus acorn cap attached for size comparison. Leathery conch type bracket fungas, less than 3 cm in size, solid on top with spore bearing tubes on bottom. Date: 2 December 2008, 09:06:14. Source: This file is lacking source information. Please edit this file's description and provide a source. Author: John Harlan.
creatorJohn Harlan
providerWikimedia Commons
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