
TitelIllacme plenipes head and segments 1-5 - ZooKeys-241-077-g002-2.jpeg
Original URLhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Illacme_plenipes_head_and_segments_1-5_-_ZooKey…
Description: English: Lateral (right) view of head and segments 1–5 (male). a Lateral opening apparent between gnathochilarium and head capsule; gnathochilarium, mandible and head capsule noticeably separate at base, 1/3 head length distally from mandibular joint b Collum not covering head, with straight cephalic edge, gradually tapering laterally. Scale bar 0.5 mm. Date: 14 November 2012, 21:49:42. Source: Marek, P.; Shear, W.; Bond, J. (2012). "A redescription of the leggiest animal, the millipede Illacme plenipes, with notes on its natural history and biogeography (Diplopoda, Siphonophorida, Siphonorhinidae)". ZooKeys 241: 77. doi:10.3897/zookeys.241.3831. Author: Marek, P.; Shear, W.; Bond, J. (2012).
creatorMarek, P.; Shear, W.; Bond, J. (2012)
sourceMarek, P.; Shear, W.; Bond, J. (2012). "A redescription of the leggiest animal, the millipede Illacme plenipes, with notes on its natural history and biogeography (Diplopoda, Siphonophorida, Siphonorhinidae)". ZooKeys 241: 77. doi:10.3897/zookeys.241.3831.
providerWikimedia Commons
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