ZMH - A - 630

Basis of record: 
Preserved Specimen
Institution code: 
Collection code: 
Catalogue number: 
Date identified: 
Tuesday, May 5, 1903
Type status: 

Transcription of labels: Six labels. |Scolopendra robusta Kraepelin|, borders printed, mecanuscript, glued to the jar. |Scolopendra robusta Kraepelin|, red label, mecanuscript, glued to the jar. |ZMH-A0000630|, printed. |Scolopendra robusta Krpln   juv.   Co-Typus   Mus. Strassburg   Columbien   5.V.03.|, borders printed, handwritten, ink, Karl Kraepelin’s label. |Scolop. robusta Krpln.   Co-Typ.   Mus. Strassburg   Columbien   5.V.03|, handwritten, ink, Karl Kraepelin’s label. |Zoologisches Museum Hamburg   Scolopendra robusta Kraepelin   1 Ex, Paratypus|, borders printed, handwritten, ink.

Nomenclatural remarks: This juvenile specimen of Scolopendra robusta Kraepelin, 1903 from the ZMH, Hamburg, is a paratype. Kraepelin (1903: 239) designated a (holo)type and mentioned a second specimen: “Von dieser Art liegt mir (...) ein junges Individuum aus Kolumbien...”. The applicable article of the Code (ICZN, 1999) is: 72.4.5. When an author designates a holotype [Art. 73.1], then the other specimens of the type series are paratypes. The paratype has been previously mentioned by Weidner (1960: 71, entry 85) as a “paratypoid”, by Shelley (2006: 26) as a paratype, and by Thofern et al. (2021: 77, entry 131) as a “syntype”. The specimen has an entry in Kraepelin’s Scolopendromorpha catalog as a “Co-Typus”, and a catalog card entry as a “Paratypoid”. Unlike for other type specimens, the provenance of the paratype is not mentioned by Weidner (1960), but it was noted as “Museum Strasbourg” by Thofern et al. (2021). Kraepelin (1903: 239) gives it as “Mus. Straßburg”, which agrees with Kraepelin’s Scolopendromorpha catalog, page 69, and with the associated ZMH catalog card.

Geographic remark: This specimen only has country-level (Colombia) information and is therefore not linked to a location in this database.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith