Two new species of the genus Symphylella (Symphyla, Scolopendrellidae) from East China

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:Y. - L. Jin, Bu Y.
Date Published:14/12/2020
Keywords:chaetotaxy, morphology, Myriapoda, Taxonomy

Symphylella minuta sp. nov. and Symphylella communa sp. nov. from China are described and illustrated. Symphylella minuta sp. nov. is characterized by the delicate and minute body, a well-developed and thin central rod with a vestige of a transverse suture in the middle, eight setae on the first tergite, pointed processes on the tergites, and short cerci with sparse setae. Symphylella communa sp. nov. is characterized by the chaetotaxy of the first tergite with 4+4 setae, processes of the tergites somewhat longer or the same length with broad, most of lateromaginal setae long, anterolateral setae of tergites 2–4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 distinctly longer than other lateromarginal setae, approximately as long as the process of the same tergite, and cerci with numerous subequal and slightly curved setae. In addition, the chaetotaxic variation on the tergites, the distribution, the habitat, and the feeding habit of the genus Symphylella are discussed.

Short Title:ZK
Citation Key:878
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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