Review of the millipede genus Cylindrodesmus Pocock, 1889 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:S. I. Golovatch, Hoffman, R. L., Knapinski, S., Adis, J.
Journal:Fragmenta Faunistica
Date Published:30/12/2001
Keywords:anthropochorism, Cylindrodesmus, Diplopoda, new synonymy, parthenogenesis, Taxonomy

The genus Cylindrodesmus seems to actually comprise only two unquestioned species, (1) C. hirsutus POCOCK, 1889 (the type species), a pantropical anthropochore with bisexual populations, usually referred to as C. hirsutus, living in various places in the tropics, and parthenogenetic populations, normally referred to as C. laniger SCHUBART, 1944, occurring in numerous places in the tropics as well as in a few European hothouses, and (2) C. villosus POCOCK, 1898, from Rotuma Island, Pacific Ocean. Lectotypes of C. hirsutus, C. villosus as well as of C. palmyrae CHAMBERLIN, 1954, the latter a long-established junior synonym of C. laniger, have been selected, illustrated and discussed. As there are obviously no characters that would allow to distinguish C. laniger from C. hirsutus other than those apparently related to parthenogenesis, e.g. generally smaller body size, normally a bit more strongly falcate/sigmoid gonopods in the residual males, and the vulvae devoid of well-developed receptacula seminis, the following new synonym is proposed: C. hirsutus POCOCK, 1889 = C. laniger SCHUBART, 1944, syn.n. Revision of the types of Inodesmus peduncularis LOOMIS, 1934, from Surinam, also results in its formal synonymy under C. hirsutus, syn.n. It is certainly because of the numerous C. hirsutus populations being thelytokous, more or less devoid of males, that this species, and genus, has a pretty long list of synonymies. In addition, Elatosus CHAMBERLIN, 1945, monobasic, with E. pygmaeus CHAMBERLIN, 1945, from Java, is herewith formally synonymized with Cylindrodesmus, and E. pygmaeus with C. hirsutus, both syn.n.

Citation Key:1618
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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