A redescription of Rhysida celeris (Humbert & Saussure, 1870), with a proposal of eight new synonyms (Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae, Otostigminae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2013
Authors:A. Chagas-Jr
Date Published:14/01/2013
ISSN:1313-2970, 1313-2989

Seven species of the genus Rhysida Wood, 1862 from Venezuela and one subspecies from Peru described by Manuel Angel González Sponga and Wolfgang Bücherl respectively, are revised. Rhysida caripensis González-Sponga, 2002, Rhysida neoespartana González-Sponga, 2002, Rhysida guayanica González-Sponga, 2002, Rhysida maritima González-Sponga, 2002, Rhysida monaguensis González-Sponga, 2002, Rhysida porlamarensis González-Sponga 2002, Rhysida sucupanensis González-Sponga, 2002 and Rhysida celeris andina Bücherl, 1953 are junior synonyms of Rhysida celeris (Humbert & Saussure, 1870), which is redescribed and illustrated for the first time. Its geographic distribution is updated and a map showing its distribution is presented.

Citation Key:1446
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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