A new species of penicillate millipede from genus Mauritixenus (Diplopoda, Polyxenidae) found in Vietnam

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:C. Huynh, Veenstra A. A.
Journal:Opuscula Zoologica
Issue:Supplement 2
Date Published:07/08/2020
Keywords:Genomic DNA, Mascarene Islands, Mauritixenus, penicillate millipedes.

Genus Mauritixenus Verhoeff, 1939 comprises a group of penicillate millipedes found only in Mascarene Islands, Madagascar and West Africa. The characteristics of this genus are 13 pairs of legs, 8 ommatidia, labrum with apical granular structure and tarsus 2 with a spine. There are seven described species in this genus. Penicillate millipedes were collected from Vietnam, Ninh Thuan Province, which proved to be a previously undescribed species in the genus Mauritixenus. Their distinguishing characteristics include the number of sensilla on gnathochilarium and the anterior lateral process in the claw, as well as the genetic makeup, concluded this is a new species in this genus.

Citation Key:394
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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