A new species of the henicopid centipede Dichelobius (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) from southeastern Australia and Lord Howe Island

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:G. D. Edgecombe
Journal:Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales
Date Published:2004
Keywords:Anopsobiinae, Chilopoda, Dichelobius, Henicopidae, Lithobiomorpha

The genus Dichelobius Attems, 1911, based on D. flavens Attems, 1911, from the southwest of Western Australia, has its only other previously assigned species in New Caledonia and Chile. The Tasmanian type species of the monotypic Tasmanobius Chamberlin, 1920, is regarded as a member of Dichelobius. Dichelobius giribeti n. sp. represents the genus in eastern mainland Australia (southeastern New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, and northeastern Victoria) and on Lord Howe Island. Dichelobius bicuspis Ribaut, 1923, is widely distributed in New Caledonia.

Citation Key:221
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