The millipede family Striariidae Bollman, 1893: I. Introduction to the family, synonymy of Vaferaria Causey with Amplaria Chamberlin, the new subfamily Trisariinae, the new genus Trisaria, and three new species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:W. A. Shear
Date Published:30/03/2020
Keywords:new taxa, Washington state

Full title: The millipede family Striariidae Bollman, 1893: I. Introduction to the family, synonymy of Vaferaria Causey with Amplaria Chamberlin, the new subfamily Trisariinae, the new genus Trisaria, and three new species (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Striarioidea)

The significant taxonomic characters of the millipede family Striariidae Bollman, 1888 are discussed. The monotypic genus Vaferaria Causey, 1958 is synonymized under Amplaria Chamberlin, 1941, giving the new combination Amplaria imberbis (Loomis, 1936). The genera Striaria Bollman, 1888 and Amplaria are assigned to the subfamily Striariinae. A new subfamily, Trisariinae, is established that presently includes only Trisaria new genus, with three new species: Trisaria rex, T. olympia and T. washingtonensis. The new subfamily, genus, and species are endemic to western Washington state, USA.

Short Title:Zootaxa
Citation Key:279
Refereed Designation:Refereed
Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith