Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1993 |
Authors: | W. B. Muchmore |
Journal: | Caribbean Journal of Science |
Volume: | 29 |
Issue: | 1-2 |
Pagination: | 30-38 |
Abstract: | Abstract: A list is given of the terrestrial invertebrates known to occur on St. John, with the exception of the Acarina and Insects. Included are: Platyhelminthes (land planarian) – 1; Mollusca (snails and slugs) – 32; Annelida (earthworms) – 1; Onychophora (Peripatus) – 1; Crustacea (woodlice, beachhoppers, crabs) – 28; Arachnida (scorpions, pseudoscorpions, harvestmen, spiders, etc.) – 120; Myriapoda (centipedes, millipedes, etc.) – 19. In addition, a few freshwater species are noted. A bibliography of all works referring to these animals is provided. Resumen: Se provee una lista de los invertebrados terrestres conocidos de St. John, con la excepción de Acarina e Insecta. Se incluyen: Platyhelminthes (planaria terrestre) – 1; Mollusca (caracoles y babosas) – 32; Annelida (lombrices de tierra) – 1; Onychophora (Peripatus) – 1; Crustacea (carcomas, saltarines, cangrejos) - 28; Arachnida (escorpiones, pseudoescorpiones, opiliones, arañas, etc.) – 120; Myriapoda (ciempiés, milpiés) – 19. También son informadas varias especies dulceacuícolas. Se provee una bibliografía que incluye todos los trabajos referentes a estos animales. |
Citation Key: | 1508 |
List of terrestrial invertebrates of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands (exclusive of Acarina and Insecta), with some records of freshwater species
Taxonomic name:
Onychophora (Taxonomy), Peripatus (Taxonomy), Myriapoda (Taxonomy), Chilopoda (Taxonomy), Scutigeromorpha (Taxonomy), Scutigeridae (Taxonomy), Scutigera (Taxonomy), Scutigera linceci (Taxonomy), Scolopendromorpha (Taxonomy), Scolopendridae (Taxonomy), Scolopendra (Taxonomy), Scolopendra alternans (Taxonomy)