Descriptions of the Myriapodæ of the United States

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1821
Authors:T. Say
Journal: Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Date Published:10/1821

Recommended citation: Say, T. (1821): Descriptions of the Myriapodæ of the United States. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2 (1): 102-114.

Dating remark: Publication date is set to 10/1821, following Nolan & Fox (1913: vii).

Nolan, E. J. & W. J. Fox (1913): Dates of publication. Pp. vii– xiv. In: Nolan, E. J. (Ed.). An index to the scientific contents of the Journal and Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Published in commemoration of the centenary of the Academy, March 21, 1912. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. xiv + 1419 pp.

Citation Key:1607
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