Amphibians and reptiles as prey of Heteroctenus junceus (Scorpiones: Buthidae), with a summary of vertebrate predation by scorpions in the West Indies

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:T. M. Rodríguez-Cabrera, Savall, E. Morell, Teruel, R.
Journal:Euscorpius - Occasional Publications in Scorpiology
Date Published:01/12/2021

Vertebrate predation by scorpions has been scarcely documented in the literature. Contrary to large scorpions of the genera Centruroides, Hadrurus, Opistophthalmus, and Pandinurus from North America and Africa, which are capable of subduing even small rodents and bats, West Indian scorpions of the genera Centruroides, Heteroctenus, and Tityus seem to limit their prey to amphibians and reptiles. Herein we present new cases of a frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis; Hylidae) and three lizards (Anolis allisoni, A. ophiolepis, and A. sagrei; Dactyloidae) preyed upon by Heteroctenus junceus (Herbst, 1800), at the time we summarize all cases of vertebrate predation by scorpions in the region.

Short Title:Euscorpius
Citation Key:1467
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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