Two new species of centipedes, Lithobius keelungensis sp. nov. and Lithobius (Monotarsobius) qingquanensis sp. nov., from Taiwan (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Autoren:J. - L. Chao, Lee, K. - S., Chang, H. - W.
Journal:Opuscula Zoologica
Problem:Supplement 2
Date Published:07/08/2020
Schlüsselwörter:Keelung, male secondary sexual character, Taxonomy

Male secondary sexual characters are diverse in Taiwanese Lithobius. We describe two new species with their male secondary sexual characters, Lithobius (Ezembius) keelungensis sp. nov. and Lithobius (Monotarsobius) qingquanensis sp. nov.. In L. (E.) keelungensis, male 14–15th femora and tibiae are markedly thick, the femora have a deep furrow on each dorsal surfaces, and the tibiae are oval, with a wide shallow excavation on each dorsal surfaces. In L. (M.) qingquanensis, a small wart-like outgrowth bearing about 15 slightly curved setae is present on the dorsoposterior surface of the male 15th femur.

Citation Key:396
Refereed Designation:Refereed
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