Velkolom Čertovy schody – západ: Fauna sanovaných a rekultivovaných ploch lomu, monitorovací studie, XVI. etapa (2013) [The Čertovy schody Limestone Quarry – West: Fauna of reclamated areas of the quarry, monitoring study of the 16th year (2013)]

Publication Type:Report
Year of Publication:2013
Authors:P. Dolejš, Hlaváč, J., Moravec, J.
Date Published:12/2013
Institution:Národní muzeum
Keywords:amphibians, Bohemian Karst PLA, gastropods, Limestone quarry, reclamation, reptiles, spiders, succession

In 2013, population density of critically endangered wolf spider Pardosa wagleri was charted and two localities at the northern parts of the quarry of Čertovy schody – West was investigated. Population of P. wagleri is relatively rich and occurs along the whole western, north-western and south-western margin of the bottom of the quarry. The spiders inhabit namely moist cavities under stones. A humid depression hosts an indifferent arachnofauna. Thus, a small lake planned at this place will not negatively affect the spider population. In addition, biodiversity will be enriched by hygrophilous species. Despite rare and endangered species are currently present, technical reclamation is wasting of natural potential because these rare and endangered species have no chance to survive. Therefore, natural succession has to be preferred to technical reclamation. This approach will result in development of mosaic landscape with sparse vegetation. Technical reclamation (namely planting coniferous monocultures) is disadvantageous due to its high costs and because it decreases biodiversity.

Citation Key:1061
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith