Description of a new species of Penicillate Millipede from the genus Monographis (Diplopoda: Polyxenidae) found in Vietnam.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2015
Authors:C. Huynh
Secondary Authors:A. A. Veenstra
Volume:3964 (4)
Start Page:460 - 477
Date Published:8 May 2015
Type of Article:Description

A new species of penicillate millipede, from genus Monographis (Diplopoda: Polyxenidae), was collected from Trang
Bom and Dinh Quan, within the Dong Nai province, southern Vietnam. Taxonomic characteristics of the genus Monographis
Attems, 1907, were used to formally describe this new species. Sensilla of the 6th antennal article and claw structures
of Monographis dongnaiensis were compared with those of M. tamoyoensis, M. yunnanensis and M. queenslandicus.
Genomic DNA of M. dongnaiensis was compared with the DNA of other species within the genus Monographis. Monographis
dongnaiensis is confirmed as the ninth member of the genus Monographis and named Monographis dongnaiensis
after the collection site Dong Nai province in Vietnam.

Citation Key:328
Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith